Table of Contents

Ideas for things we can do in Linux club.


We will need surveys and/or to talk with several members about their ideas and what they want out of the club. My survey failed last time, maybe directly reaching out to people who chat in the Discord would be better. To survive purely off lecture-y (mostly one person speaking, with questions) talks and workshops would require consistent high-quality presentations, novel and interesting topics, and notable special guests. This is an acceptable target and path forward for the club, from my understanding this is most of what Cybersecurity Club does, and it is great.

Projects are great if there are people interested in working on them. “Linux Club” does not sound like and probably shouldn't be a purely-project-focused club. If we want to shift a bit in that direction, we should focus on a few specific projects, and mention them in advertising materials so some members will be joining with the desire to work on them. I think the ideal would be that most projects can eventually be considered “finished” (even if more could be added, at least have an accomplishable version of the goal; perhaps with a little ongoing maintenance), and that they could be finished within a semester or year.

— Jeffrey Fisher

Linux Club projects can be collaborative, and we can support each other's projects as well.

— Skylar


General people to reach out to for talks/workshops

General ideas

General topic ideas

Miscellaneous specific topic ideas


Linux benchmarking

Club self-hosting

Contacting the UMD mirror team

Create custom emergency linux bootable image


[?] Install-fest

Apparently this is the largest event of the year for other university Linux user groups. This should be done at the beginning of the semester when students are taking new classes that may require installing Linux.

Rice contest

Have people customize their Linux desktop and vote on who has the best rice.

Office hours/troubleshooting/project hacking

Have people come in and ask questions about fixing their Linux boxes or hacking on projects. They can join voice chat too. More chill than other presentations, nothing needs to be specifically planned for this.

Host a hackathon

Host a Linux hackathon. In years past, there would be a twist in the hackathon where the wifi would be cut so people would have to resort to local backups of StackOverflow, Wikipedia, etc.

[?] 30-year anniversary party

Linux video game night

Play some games on Steam with Proton, or native Linux games like Super Tux Kart and BSD Games.